On behalf of Ping Petroleum UK PLC, FG Burnett has secured Suite 1 on the ground floor at H1.
H1 is owned by Kennedy Wilson, one of Europe’s largest Real Estate Investment Companies. The suite extends to 4,420 sq.ft and offers a ‘plug and play’ solution for Ping who have signed up to a new 3 year lease.
FG Burnett’s Head of Agency Graeme Nisbet comments “This is one of a number of acquisition instructions FG Burnett are currently involved with. We managed to secure excellent ‘plug and play’ office accommodation for our client on very favourable commercial terms”. Graeme added “I can’t underestimate the importance for occupiers to take professional advice when acquiring commercial property. The obvious ‘wins’ are not always the route to take, every property and transaction is different and it’s with years of experience which nets the best results for clients”.